Support Musical Echoes – Click to Donate

Musical Echoes wants to shout out a Big Thank You to all our fans, artists, vendors, volunteers and sponsors!

Join Us in 2025

The Landing will once again come alive with Native American Music beginning on April
25th through April 27th .
We are planning an incredible lineup of artists once again for 2025. Stay tuned for more

The Raven is the 2025 totem. Ravens are beautiful, intelligent, fascinating birds that have captured the attention of millions of birdwatchers around the world. In fact entire books have been written about ravens.

The Landing will come alive with many vendors returning and new alike.
Look for more information to be posted on the vendor page.

The Musical Echoes board is grateful to all of the artists and vendors that made 2024 a
great year! What energy and love! Thank you!
Let’s create that same vibe in 2025!

Musical Echoes exists because of a few dedicated volunteers that freely give of their time
and expertise to produce this festival. We are grateful to the new board members and
committee members that have infused the organization with good energy and great ideas!
As a nonprofit organization your support through donations is especially important. You
can now donate via PayPal by clicking the button above.
All donations go toward the festival, every donation- no matter the size- is greatly valued.
Thank you!
For additional information please contact


Flute Playing Entertainment


Contests You Could Be A Winner


Musical Echoes Vendors


Poarch Creek Indians Logo
Ocean City Bingo Logo
City Of Fort Walton Beach Logo
Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce Logo
Marina Bay Resort
Natural Awakening Logo

One Feather American
Indian Art

Destin Fort Walton Beach Tourism
Anchor Screen Printing & Embroidery Logo
Magnolia Grill
Tents of Northwest Florida Logo
Zen Business

The Canvas Lady of Destin

Papa's Brew Logo